Frequently asked questions - movie style!

Want answers to those big questions people have been asking?
All is revealed in our quick and easy videos, where our CEO answers those common questions. If you want to know more please email the team directly at, or use contact us on our website, or we would love to chat - click on the icon (bottom right on our website) and lets talk!
Have your questions answered in our handy videos.
Credit checking, why?
Kora is a registered financial service provider, so we have an obligation to provide affordable lending.
Is Kora for my business?
Who can apply for a Kora account? Let's find out why Kora is 'cheaper fuel for all'.
Is Kora a scam?
We are honest stand up 'kiwis' doing a solid for all drivers who want to save on fuel.
Is Kora a loyalty offer?
Kora doesnt try to win you over with the promise of rewards. Buy fuel, get a discount, easy as that!
More questions answered.
Where can I see my discount and my account balance. Oh no what is my PIN... and more.