Kora finds support amongst New Zealand’s Police Association

The cost-of-living crisis has hit most New Zealanders in the pocket over recent years, and it’s left businesses around the country scrambling for ways to better support the wellbeing of their people.

As an organisation entirely dedicated to supporting the wellbeing of its members and families, the New Zealand Police Association was an early adopter to Kora, saving members over to $60,000 per year with Kora’s “painless” approach to fuel discounts. 

Lance Holland, Marketing Specialist at the Police Association, recalls how the demand for Kora first started building by word of mouth amongst members, making the decision to join in 2021 even a no-brainer for the Association.

The New Zealand Police Association acts as a wide-ranging support system for both current and past Police employees and their families, with around 30,000 members needing help with anything from legal assistance, financial hardship, health, welfare, or injury in the line of duty.    

For less than the cost of a lunch shout the Association is now helping to ease the pressure on member’s household budgets every month, with a wide range of members across the company reporting high satisfaction with both the savings of Kora and the ease of use. 

This is the first time that New Zealand Police Association members have had nationwide access to fuel discounts, making a valuable difference to the travel budget of both sworn and non-sworn police across the country. 

The Kora fuel card gives an instant 10c off per litre of fuel at Waitomo and Mobil stations across the country. With no limit on use, the fuel discount supports the whole family, which Holland describes as “really making sense with our whanau approach and how our members like to use discounts”. 

Kora savings man holding up mobil and waitomo cards

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